Christ, The Only Refuge

And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Isaiah 32:2

And the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. Isaiah 28:17

The Believer’s Refuge

Christ is our secure and lasting refuge to whom we have “fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.” (Hebrews 6:18) We can flee to him for protection in the time of danger and trouble. As overwhelming as our trials may be, we can find solace in knowing our souls are safe in Christ. “In life, in death, in trouble, and in joy, the true believer finds a sure, a strong, a near refuge in Jesus Christ.” –Thomas Reade

Praying BoyWhat shall we do when trials come, when one trouble comes after another, and affliction seems to pursue us wherever we go? When life presses in upon us and trouble comes, then we can know that we have a place to run to. In Christ, we have a never-failing support and consolation in our greatest trials. “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” (Nahum 1:7) If Jesus is with us, the most terrific tempest cannot harm us. Without him, even the profoundest calm is infinitely perilous. Live, then, near your Savior and rejoice in him all the day long.

[God] sent His Son into the world, as an Almighty Savior; and all who put themselves under his protection, and build their hopes upon him, shall be so safe, that all the calamities of life shall not do them a lasting injury; and the vengeance of the eternal world shall never fall upon them.- Samuel Davies

A Refuge for Sinners

Jesus Christ is the Refuge appointed by God for sinners. The guiltiest soul that flies to Christ is inviolably secure. The Apostle Paul wrote, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” (1 Timothy 1:15) In Christ, the sinner obtains spiritual security and joy forever. God bids all seek and find refuge in Christ. There is room and welcome for all who will come. “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37).

The Storm- Claude-Joseph Vernet

“Christ became a full ‘covert from the storm’ of divine justice, and a full ‘refuge from the wind’ of God’s consuming wrath! The tempest which was due to us — was poured in its fury on him, and we are spared its blast, because our surety has borne its brunt, and now offers to all who will believe in him, the sheltering refuge of his atoning grace.” (William Bacon Stevens) How thankful ought we to be to Almighty God, for His infinite goodness and mercy in raising up for us a Refuge and Hiding-place that protects us from every storm by which we can be overtaken or threatened.

‘Tis He, the Lamb, to whom we fly,
While the dread tempest passes by;
God sees His well-Beloved’s face,
And spares us in our hiding place.
– Henry Kirke White

The Only Refuge

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

Alas, though Jesus Christ is the only true hiding place, most people trust their eternal souls to something or someone else, to a refuge of lies. They intend to obtain eternal life on their own terms or merits. They think themselves secure but, God’s wrath will soon “beat upon a guilty world like a storm of hail.” At that time all other refuges and hiding places will be laid in ruins. “And the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.” (Isaiah 28:17)

Cross_by_inz_feelgoodFlee from false refuges. Flee to Jesus only, for he only is “able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him.” Jesus now calls us to him, invites us to his throne of grace, and promises to give to every one who accepts his invitation, safety, peace and rest. There is no shelter from “the wrath to come,” but in Jesus, our crucified Savior. “Woe to the hapless sinner who rejects this refuge! Woe to the hapless sinner who lives and dies in ignorance of this refuge! Woe to the hardened sinner who despises this refuge!” -Joseph Irons

Our necessities should drive us to Christ. How great they are! We are perishing; the storm is approaching; and how shall we escape if we do not flee to the Savior? Those who take refuge in Jesus shall never be destroyed. No storm of wrath shall fall on them; they shall never perish. “No refuge but that sought in the arms of Christ will be found strong enough against the storm and tempest. Give all diligence to be found in Him.” -Peter Grant (D.D.)

christ a city of refuge

A refuge for sinners the gospel makes known;
‘Tis found in the merits of Jesus alone;
The weary, the tempted, and burdened by sin,
Were never exempted from entering therein.

This refuge for sinners his love did ordain,
In Jesus the Lamb, from eternity slain;
And if God the spirit reveal this to you,
Take refuge in Jesus, though hell should pursue.

The soul that shall enter in safety shall dwell;
There’s no peradventure of sinking to hell;
The oath of Jehovah secures him from fear,
Nor shall the avenger of blood enter there.

Here’s refuge for sinners, whose guilt shall appear
As black as the confines of endless despair;
Who, stripped of all merit whereon to rely,
Are taught by the Spirit to Jesus to fly.

Should conscience accuse us, as oft-times it may,
Here’s blood that can take its defilement away.
In Jesus the Saviour, the sinner shall view
A city of refuge and righteousness too.”
-John Kent

4 thoughts on “Christ, The Only Refuge


    i PRAISE our FatherGOD for you, dear Laura, for making us not only “iron-sharpens-iron” friends, but sisters-IN-CHRIST as well… forEVERmore! This blog post is right on target — the Gospel of GOD proclaimed just as IS — not dumbed down, not adulterated with semi-truths nor littered with entertaining anecdotes — but the Good News preached, the POWER of GOD unto salvation! \o/

    1. Lemarvin

      RLn, I’m blessed to have you as my friend. Yes! We’ll be friends for eternity, praising the Lord together…Thanks for your encouraging words. I like reading your comments, on Facebook and on this blog.

  2. Pastor Bob

    Thank you for this post. It is leading me even now to blessed joy and repose in our Savior’s great loving-kindness and joy and peace.

    When the foundations are destroyed, what shall the righteous do? (Ps. 11). They shall flee to the Rock that is higher than I, to the Mighty Refuge (Ps. 46), to the Secret Place of the Almighty(Ps. 91).

    “Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself, as it were, for a little while, until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.” -Isaiah 26:20,21

    1. lemarvin Post author

      Pastor Bob, Thank you for your comment and thank you for sharing those wonderful Bible verses. I’m glad you found encouragement.


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